Teacher Supplies
hero-interior decorative-yellow
Pre-K Supply List
- tissue
- paper towels
- glue sticks
- any size Ziplocs
- disinfecting wipes
- non-spill water bottle
- Healthy personal snacks every day; fruits, veggies, crackers, cheese, etc.
- 1 set of spare clothes: shirt, pants, underwear, socks
Kindergarten Supply List
- My Ist pencils (4 large/Ticonderoga brand)
- Elmers GIANT Sticks (3 pack)
- Kids soft grip, blunt/safety My First Scissors
- Plastic pencil box holder (I total)
- Crayola JUMBO crayons (2 packs of 16)
- Regular size Crayola crayons (I pack of 24)
- Broad line (large) Crayola washable markers (2 packs of 10)
- Crayola colored pencils (I pack of 24)
- Crayola washable watercolors paint (I pallet of 8 colors)
- Tissue boxes (small/large)
- Fun stickers for student work
- I non-spill water bottle
- Any size Ziploc bags
1st Grade Supply List
Crayola Crayons
Glue Sticks
Pencil Box
Clorox Wipes
2nd Grade Supply List
Water bottle! (must have)
Snack each day
Box of Crayons
Pencil Box
Glue Sticks
Expo Markers/ Eraser
4th Grade Supply List
2-pocket folders
binders (½ inch or 1 inch)
hand-held pencil sharpener with a lid/cover
pack of colored pencils
pack of crayons
pack of markers
glue sticks
box of #2 pencils
pencil box
graph or quadrille-ruled notebooks (not spiral) or 1 regular composition notebook