Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): This assessment is given three times a year in reading and math. This assessment measures student performance and growth individually and compared to like peers. We use this assessment to see how much students have learned from different time intervals such as fall to winter and winter to spring. We will mail home reports of this assessment. The scoring of this assessment ranges in the 100s and 200s.
Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA): This assessment is our most accurate measure of students’ reading ability. This assessment is generally given three times a year in first grade, and second grade, and two times a year in Kindergarten. A version of the DRA, Progress Monitors, is given to students in the upper grades who are below grade level in reading. This is measured by MAP data, SBAC data and DRA data. This assessment can also be given to upper grade students three times a year. This assessment measures a student’s reading fluency and comprehension. The level begins with A which is an introductory reading level and ends for elementary at level 60. There are designated grade-level benchmarks. The end of year targets are as follows:
Kindergarten- 4
First grade-16
Second grade-30
Third grade- 40
Fourth grade-50
Fifth grade-60
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC): This is the vendor who creates our statewide assessments in reading and math for grades 3, 4, and 5. This assessment is used by the state of Nevada to determine student proficiency and growth. Each grade level is measured against their peers and this data is used to monitor and determine a school’s star rating. The star rating has been paused during the pandemic.